Consider using the H.E.A.R. study method to help you explore the meaning of this passage.
After reading the passage, highlight the verses that stand out to you by writing out the following:
- Write down the name of the book.
- Write down the chapter and verses.
- Write out the verse, or part of the verse, that stands out to you.
Engage with the text and explore what the meaning of it might be. Some possible questions to consider include:
- Who was the passage written to?
- Why was it written?
- How does it fit-in with surrounding verses?
- What might God be saying through this passage?
- Consider using a commentary/study Bible to help you understand the passage. Here are some helpful resources:
- David Guzik Commentary (Blue Letter Bible)
- Bible Project Visual Commentary (Sermon on the Mount Overview)
- Bible Project Video (Salt and Light starts at 4:40)
Consider how you can apply the text in real life. Some possible questions to consider include:
- How can I apply this passage in my life today?
- Think of applications that are specific and measurable.
- What am I going to do about what God is saying to me?
Finally, respond to God. This can be done in any number of ways, but make it sincere.
- Write out a prayer of response to God after he has spoken to you through his word.
- Commit to a certain action.
- Who is God inviting me to be? (Or, How will I be different because of what I’ve learned?)