The Right to Nothing

May 9, 2021

One of the foundational documents for our country is the Bill of Rights. Inside this document as Americans we are guaranteed the right to have freedom of speech, press, to assemble, to protest and the freedom to practice religion. The document also secures our rights to bear arms and have a fair judicial system, among others. These rights are at the core of our country and something that we hold dear, and something that we are thankful for. But for those that follow Jesus, he commands us to not fight for our rights but instead be willing to sacrifice our rights for the benefit of others.

In the message from Sunday we learned that followers of Jesus give up their right to be respected, the right to stuff, the right to time, and the right to money. While these things are difficult to give up; however, when the followers of Jesus sacrifice their rights it opens up opportunities to win over our enemies and display the love and grace of Jesus in powerful ways.