Out of the Cave
In this message we finished our conversation on depression from the previous weeks of this series;
however, this message focused in on how we can step out of the cave of depression and walk in the
abundant life that God offers. As we looked at the person of Elijah we discovered that there were five
steps that he made that help him out of the darkness of depression and into the light.
• Step 1: Step into a Needed Recovery. We need to get healthy physical shape through
intentional rest, healthy diets, and sustainable schedules.
• Step 2: Step into a God Encounter. We need to create environments where we can quiet our
souls and make room for God.
• Step 3: Step into a True Identity. We need to be confident in who God says we are!
• Step 4: Step into a New Assignment. There is nothing more powerful than a purpose! As we
pour ourselves out for others, God will fill us up.
• Step 5: Step into Relational Strength. We need to find a group and never do life alone