According to Practicing the Way, "A rule of life is a schedule and set of practices and relational rhythms that help us create space in our busy world for us to be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what he did—to live “to the full” (John 10v10) in his kingdom, and in alignment with our deepest passions and priorities.
While the word “rule” may strike you as a strict or binding constraint, the Latin word we translate “rule” was originally the word for a trellis in a vineyard. In the same way a vine needs a trellis to lift it off the ground so it can bear the maximum amount of fruit, and keep free of predators and diseases, we need a rule as a kind of support structure to organize our life around “abiding in the vine,” (John 15v1–8) as Jesus imagined.

It’s been said that we achieve inner peace when our schedule is aligned with our values. A rule of life is simply a tool to that end. Rather than a rigid, legalistic to-do list, it’s a life-giving structure for freedom, growth, and joy."

"“Christians generally don’t have a plan for teaching people to do everything that he commanded.” - Dallas willard

How to craft a rule of life

(Adapted from Pete Scazzero’s Emotionally Healthy Leadership)
When crafting a rule of life it is important to remember that it is an ongoing endeavor, that will require constant revisions and edits as we go throughout life. While your rule of life should be aspirational, be realistic. Start simply and continue to build slowly. Don't allow your rule of life to become a burden that you never feel like you can achieve, start where you are, not where you think you should be.  Also, don't think of your rule of life as adding more things onto your already busy schedule. Much of your rule of life should be about reprioritizing and removing things from your life. As you craft your rule of life consider bringing other people in your community into the process. We were not designed to do the spiritual life alone, we need other people on the journey with us.  

Step 1

Write down everything you currently do (or hope to do) that nurtures your spirit and fills you with delight (e.g. people, places, activities). Think beyond the "church answers" and include things that fuel your soul like cooking, painting, hunting, taking your dog for a walk, etc.

Step 2

Write down the activities you need to avoid, limit, or eliminate that pull you away from remaining anchored in Christ. This list could include excessive social media involvement and commitments that take you beyond your limits.

Step 3

What are the challenging “have to’s” in the next 3-6 months of your life that will impact your rhythms? Some examples might be caring for aging parents, a special needs child, a demanding season at work, moving, and/or health issues.

Step 4

Fill in the Rule of Life worksheet as you consider your next 3-6 months. Ask God what He is inviting you to focus on during this season? Feel free to use the list below for help.

What practices should I consider?

This list is not exhaustive! Feel free to add other practices that are not listed here. We suggest you make sure that some sort of prayer and Bible reading are part of your regular practices, ideally daily.
  • Praying - free form
  • Praying Scripture (Lord's Prayer, Psalm 23, etc.)
  • Reading the Bible
  • Lectio Divina
  • Centering Prayer
  • Silence and Solitude
  • Fasting
  • Prayer of Gratitude in the Evening
  • Worship through song
  • Prayer Walking
  • Praying with spouse, family or prayer partner
  • Sabbath
  • Mini-sabbaths
  • Simplicity
  • Play and Recreation
  • Time in Nature
  • Spiritual retreats
  • Holidays/Vacations
  • Not bringing work home
  • Going for a walk by yourself
  • Reading a good book
  • Caring for your physical body
  • Family
  • Emotional Health
  • Participate in Sunday Gatherings
  • Community Groups
  • Show Hospitality by having people over
  • Invest in friendships (Girls/Guys Nights)
  • Date Night
  • Serving in the church community
  • Volunteering at a local non-profit
  • Loving your neighbors in a practical way
  • Helping those that are in need. 
  • Giving financially (Percentage Giving)
  • Using spiritual gifts to serve
  • Sharing your faith with others
**Remember to make your Rule of Life as specific and clear as possible. Do not be vague in your answers. Once you have completed the worksheet display it in a prominent place so that you will be reminded of how you are wanting to model your life.