Social Circle Teacher Prayer Guide

Thank you so much for being willing to adopt in prayer one of the amazing teachers, administrators, or support staff of Social Circle City Schools. We ask that over the 2023-2024 school year, you spend time regularly interceding for the individual(s) you chose. We have also included the teachers' school email addresses on your prayer card so you can reach out to them if you feel led. You might choose to write a simple message to your adopted teacher saying something like:


Dear _________________,

My name is ___________________, and I attend Church at the Grove here in Social Circle. This past Sunday, we decided as a church family to be assigned an individual in our school system to pray for over the course of the year, and I was given your name! I am so excited to be praying for you as you enter a new school year! I know that being a teacher in today's world is not always easy, and I want to support you throughout the year. I'll try to make a practice of checking in throughout the school year, but if there is anything specific I can be praying for, please let me know, and I would be honored to pray over your requests. Also, if any needs (supplies, volunteers, etc.) developed in your classroom over the year, please let me know, and I can talk to my church about how we can meet the needs.

Thank you for taking the time to read through this email and I look forward to hearing from you in the future.



Feel free to change the letter above or copy and paste it. We want to support teachers physically and spiritually, and prayer is our most excellent tool to accomplish that mission.


The Lord might lead you to pray for specific things that you feel like the Spirit is stirring in your heart but below are some points that could help guide you in the prayer journey.

  • Pray for Stamina. Being a teacher is not for the faint of heart; the school year is long. Pray that they will have the energy that is needed to persevere. 
  • Pray for his/her family. Teachers can work long hours at school and at home during the school year. Pray that their families will thrive this school year. 
  • Pray for protection. Pray for protection from sickness and other attacks that may come from the enemy.
  • Pray for wisdom. Pray that teachers would have the wisdom necessary to deal with challenges that arise.
  • Pray for discipline issues. Pray for the children that your teacher will interact with and ask that they would have wisdom and patience.
  • Pray for the truth. There are so many lies in our culture and world, pray that your teacher would not be led astray and would know what is true and what is false. 
  • Pray for a compassionate heart. Pray your teacher would show compassion toward students struggling or having a difficult time at home.
  • Pray for leadership. Pray your teacher would be a leader among the students and his or her peers. 
  • Pray for the teacher's relationship with the Lord. We don't know the spiritual condition of each person, so pray that your teacher would know Jesus profoundly and trust Him as their Lord and Savior. 

There are many other things to pray but use the above references as a guide. Thank you again for being willing to help serve our community and students in such a significant way.