21 Days of Prayer
21 Days of Prayer - Bonus Day 22
November 3rd, 2020
- Pray that Christians would vote and that God’s will would be accomplished.- Pray that the election would be free from controversy or voter fraud.- Pray our country can come together no matter who wins the election. ......
21 Days of Prayer - Day 21
November 2nd, 2020
- Pray that God would make our country a righteous nation.- Pray that God would put leaders in place that would help lead our nation and community to honor God.......
21 Days of Prayer - Day 20
October 30th, 2020
- Pray that parents would be diligent to teach and model for their children what it looks like to follow Jesus.- Pray for children in our church and community to come to know Jesus.- Pray for protection for families against the attack of the enemy.......
21 Days of Prayer - Day 19
October 29th, 2020
- Pray that women would understand their calling and they would walk inthat calling.- Pray godly women would rise up to lead their families and our nation.- Pray for protection for families against the attack of the enemy.......
21 Days of Prayer - Day 18
October 29th, 2020
- Pray that men would understand their calling to lead the family and they would walk in that calling.- Pray godly men would rise up to lead their families and our nation.......
21 Days of Prayer - Day 17
October 28th, 2020
- Pray that Christians would not put their faith in a politician, instead that they would put their faith in God.- Pray that God would use this election to draw more people to Him.......
21 Days of Prayer - Day 16
October 27th, 2020
- Pray that followers of Jesus would be quick to forgive.- Ask the Lord to reveal any resentment or bitterness that you might be harboring in your life. ......
21 Days of Prayer - Day 15
October 26th, 2020
- Pray that Christians would be known for our love for one another and people outside the faith.- Pray politics and other things in this world don’t distract us from loving.- Pray that through our love others would come to know Jesus.......
21 Days of Prayer - Day 13
October 24th, 2020
You are invited to join us today or tomorrow morning for a special time of prayer at our Social Circle Campus. The building will be open from 7am-12pm for people to come and pray. God moves mightily when his people gather together for prayer. - Pray for people’s eyes to be open to see and follow Jesus.- Pray the church would arise and take the gospel to people in our community- Pray for leaders in...
21 Days of Prayer - Day 12
October 23rd, 2020
- Pray that truth would be revealed and that people would walk in the truth.- Pray against the lies of the enemy, pray God’s voice would speak louder.- Pray believers would be able to discern what is true and what is false.......
21 Days of Prayer - Day 11
October 22nd, 2020
- Ask the Lord to help you understand the spiritual realm and what is really happening all around us.- Ask the Father to help you know that the battle is not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual principalities of this world. - Pray for other believers to understand the spiritual world.......
21 Days of Prayer - Day 10
October 21st, 2020
- Spend time thanking God for the Holy Spirit- Ask God to fill you with the Holy Spirit- Ask God to open your mind to receive a word from the Father.......
21 Days of Prayer - Day 9
October 20th, 2020
- Ask God to give you the grace, courage and capacity you need to walk out of the old and into the new.- Pray that God would sever all inappropriate soul ties in all areas of your life.......
21 Days of Prayer - Day 8
October 19th, 2020
- Pray for all believers would not allow themselves to be identified by anyone or anything else other than Christ.- Pray specifically for people in your life that need to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior- Continue to ask for boldness as a child of God in this season.......
21 Days of Prayer - Days 6
October 17th, 2020
REMEMBER WE WILL NOT HAVE ANY IN-PERSON SERVICES THIS SUNDAY. FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CLICK HERE. - Ask the Lord to humble you so that you become completely dependent on Him.- Pray for our community and national leaders to be men and women of humility and that they would turn to the Lord.......
21 Days of Prayer - Day 5
October 16th, 2020
REMEMBER WE WILL NOT HAVE ANY IN-PERSON SERVICES THIS SUNDAY. FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CLICK HERE. - Ask God to highlight areas in your life that negatively influence your ability to witness as a believer.- Pray for the Church to be free from sexual immorality and pray for special protection over church leadership- Pray for God to use you to help others get guidance during times of darkness in ...
21 Days of Prayer - Day 4
October 15th, 2020
- Pray that our church leaders and members would be bold to speak and stand on God’s Word.- Pray Christians in your local government to rise up and be bold as the Holy Spirit Directs.- Pray that those who experience persecution, that they would respond in boldness.......
21 Days of Prayer - Day 3
October 14th, 2020
- Confess sins the Lord has brought to your mind over the last day.- Pray that God would give you the power to change the way you think.- Pray God would move in community and national leaders to turn from their sins and repent.......
21 Days of Prayer - Day 2
October 13th, 2020
Ask God to give you a spirit of wisdom and revelationAsk the Lord to speak to you and that you would be sensitive to hear his voice.Pray that our leaders would hear God’s voice and be obedient to his word.......
21 Days of Prayer - Day 1
October 12th, 2020
Ask God to make your prayer powerful and effective. Apart from Jesus, we can do nothing (John 15:5)Ask God to raise up many people to pray for our nation during the 21 day periodBegin to pray into the spiritual atmosphere of our nation. Just as Elijah prayed for rain let us pray for the rain of revival over America.Pray that Church at the Grove would shine the light of Jesus to our community.......