Weekly Update 7/14/21

We are FOR our community!
We have lots of opportunities coming up to love and serve our community. If you are free and able to help serve at one or more of these events please let us know by emailing us at, info@churchatthegrove.com or sign up below.
- Hosting Social Circle School Board Strategic Meeting - Tuesday, July 20th from 8:30am-3:30pm.
- Walnut Grove Marching Band Dinner - Tuesday, July 20th at 5:30pm
- Youth Elementary School Lunch - Tuesday, July 27th at 12pm
- Walnut Grove High School Breakfast - Tuesday, July 27th at 8am (Click Here to Bring Food/Serve)
- Social Circle Middle/High School Breakfast - Wednesday, July 28th
- Social Circle Elementary School Lunch - Wednesday, July 28th at 11:30am (Click Here to Bring Food/Serve)
- Social Circle Primary School Lunch - Wednesday, July 28th at 11am (Click Here to Bring Food/Serve)
- Reception for Social Circle Community to meet new city manager, Eric Taylor - July 29th, 4:30-6:30pm at the Social Circle Campus
- Sharon Elementary School Teacher Lunch - Friday, July 30th at 11am
- Back to School Block Party - Friday, July 30th at Social Circle Friendship Park
- Walnut Grove Elementary School Breakfast - Friday, August 6th

Covenant Family Membership
This gathering is designed for those that want to take their next step in getting further connected to Church at the Grove. During this gathering we will look at the mission and vision of the church and share the DNA of our mindset.

GSM Pool Party Tonight
Our Grove Student Ministry (6th-12th Grade Students) will have a pool party tonight at the home of Steve and Janis Williams (104 Gabriel Way, Social Circle, GA 30025) beginning at 6:30pm. This is a great time for both of our campuses to come together to hang out together! Hot dogs and Hamburgers will be served.

Did You Miss this Past Sunday?
This past Sunday we continued our series "Teach Us to Pray" by looking at the bold prayer that we can pray that will help give us the power to over come the temptations and deception of the enemy. If you find yourself struggling to be victorious over sin and addiction in your life this a must watch message!
Posted in Church Update
Matthew 2 - January 2nd, 2024Matthew 3 - January 3rd, 2024Matthew 4 - January 4th, 2024Matthew 5 - January 5th, 2024Matthew 6 - January 6th, 2024Matthew 7 - January 7th, 2024Matthew 8 - January 8th, 2024Matthew 9 - January 9th, 2024Matthew 10 - January 10th, 2024Matthew 11 - January 11th, 2024Matthew 12 - January 12th, 2024Matthew 13 - January 13th, 2024Matthew 14 - January 14th, 2024Matthew 15 - January 15th, 2024Matthew 16 - January 16th, 2024Matthew 17 - January 17th, 2024Matthew 18 - January 18th, 2024Matthew 19 - January 19th, 2024 Matthew 20 - January 20, 2024Matthew 21 - January 21, 2024Matthew 22 - January 22, 2024Matthew 23 - January 23, 2024Matthew 24 - January 24, 2024Matthew 25 - January 25, 2024Matthew 26 - January 26, 2024Matthew 27 - January 27, 2024Matthew 28 - January 28, 2024Break Up the SoilTrees and ChaffOaks of Righteousness
Planted in the PresencePlanted in the PresenceFaith like a Mustard SeedBorn AgainEmbrace His LoveMade AliveDesperation to TransformationI've Witnessed ItI've Witnessed It CopyTeach Us to PrayOur Great High PriestPrayer Activates Our ArmorMoving MountainsPrayer of a Righteous PersonHow Much More Does He Love MeThe Lord's NameMade for LoveLove God - Love PeopleLove One AnotherThe Least of TheseGo and Do The SameThe Best is Yet to ComeThe Faith of the CenturionPersistent in PrayerJesus Always Responds to Faith
January 9th, 2023 - Adventure AwaitsJanuary 10th, 2023 - The Burning BushJanuary 11th, 2023 - Strong and Courageous January 12th, 2023 - Obediently Set ApartJanuary 13th, 2023 - Faithful Among Enemy NationsJanuary 14th, 2023 - Adventure AwaitsJanuary 16th, 2023 - Be StillJanuary 17th, 2023 - God Inhabits His PraisesJanuary 18th, 2023 - Enjoying God's PresenceJanuary 19th, 2023 - Broken & Contrite HeartJanuary 20th, 2023 - Asking for OthersJanuary 21st, 2023 - Petition and ProvisionJanuary 23rd, 2023 - One Body, Many PartsJanuary 24th, 2023 - Love One AnotherJanuary 25th, 2023 - Unity in the BodyJanuary 26th, 2023 - Consider Others BetterJanuary 27th, 2023 - Living in the LightJanuary 28th, 2023 - Don't Let Anger Control YouJanuary 30, 2023 - The Power of FastingJanuary 31st, 2023 - Pray as You Can
February 1st, 2023 - ScriptureFebruary 2nd, 2023 - Sabbath Day, Best DayFebruary 3rd, 2023 - SimplicityFebruary 4th, 2023 - WorshipFebruary 6th, 2023 - Love Your NeighborFebruary 7th, 2023 - Come and See, Go and TellFebruary 8th, 2023 - GenerosityFebruary 9th, 2023 - Caring for the VulnerableFebruary 10, 2023 - HospitalityFebruary 11th, 2023 - Build
Covid UpdateDay 1 - Is It Worth It?Day 2 - God Promises His PresenceDay 3 - Aligning Ourselves With GodVision 2022 - Begins this Sunday!Day 4 - The Voice of the ShepherdDay 5 - Rushing or Resting?Day 6 - "By the Grace of God"Day 7 - A Day for Rest and WorshipDay 8 - Ask Boldly and Surrender CompletelyDay 9 - Our Deliverance for His GloryDay 10 - Ask for the ImpossibleWhat an incredible start to 2022!!